The Journalist’s Creed (version 2.0)

I believe in the profession of journalism,
but I also believe in the evolution of journalism.

I believe in starting every project with the question, “How can I start a meaningful conversation or plug into one that’s already going on?”
I believe that collaboration is the key to journalism’s continued relevance.

I believe in dealing exclusively in verifiable facts,
but I also believe it is cowardly to avoid drawing conclusions from them.

I believe that a YouTube video of a four-year old singing her ABC’s can be one small step toward univeral Pre-K for all of Missouri’s children.
I believe there should be three regular people quotes for every one from a public official.

I believe that true stories can change the world,
but only if they are told with one foot firmly planted outside the newsroom.


Liz Brixey is the boss of me

And I’m okay with that.

At least I am now.

When I got to the newsroom at 1pm today for my general assignment shift, I took an inauspicious seat at the graphics desk. I wanted to work on my long-term(ish) piece about cradle to career networks in peace.

Five minutes later, Liz’s voice boomed across the newsroom.

“Liz Scheltens, where are you?”

I peeked around the giant computer monitor.

“Come over here with the other reporters! Stop hiding!”

I re-packed my enormous backpack and migrated closer to my colleagues. I re-opened my file of notes.

“Liz Scheltens, I’ve got a tip I’m sending you. Check it out.”

I opened the email. “Seriously?” I thought. “The SEC?”

Mizzou’s inaugural season as a member of the Southeastern Conference has all the sports fans in a tizzy. Not me, I had serious public service journalism to commit. But Liz is the boss of me, so I went to go check it out.

I could feel every turn of my bicycle wheels taking me further away from the story I wanted to be working on.

But the more calls that I made, the more people I talked to, the more I dug in, the more the opportunity for a story presented itself. Now I’m working on something completely different than I had in mind when I came in today, and I’m glad! Once I got over the initial discomfort of working on something new, I started to feel excited.

That’s why Liz Brixey is the boss of me, and a darn good one at that.

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