TV Story Feedback

Shooting the Black and Gold color run for my TV package proved more challenging than I anticipated. I didn’t make it to the equipment lab soon enough to check out an HD video camera, so I had to shoot the entire thing on my iPhone. Besides using a professional-grade camera, here are a few things I’d do differently next time.

Talk to more people. 

Maybe not having a professional camera made me feel shy or something, but I felt so much more awkward asking people to talk to me than I normally do. I didn’t have nearly enough interview footage of people talking to me about the race. As a result, my voice kind of dominates the whole piece, and the viewer doesn’t get a true sense of the participants’ experiences.

Get more medium and detail shots.

I was so focused on showing the size of the crowd that I didn’t shoot enough footage of individuals doing their thing. Next time, I’m going to keep the camera rolling so that when I spot a good medium or tight shot, all I have to do is focus in on it.


Always. When I went to go edit, I had to “fill in” with some footage I didn’t really like because there wasn’t enough quality b-roll on my memory card.

I’m glad I shot the event with my iPhone rather than not at all, and I’m excited to start working on my final project so that I can get more practice with video.

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